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So excited to be working on wishsoup!

And thank goodness for the wonderful YourCompany theme, the pre-launch site is coming along splendidly.

Community Ladders

Community Ladders is a great example of an organization that does a great thing on a shoestring budget. Helloooo vistaprint deals!

The main site is still in the works branding-wise, but Twitter and Facebook have come along well.

Below is the series of milestone images I’ve recently created for the Facebook page:


Am I a good designer?

Am I a good designer?

Well, that depends entirely on you, my dear client.

If you respect me, my work, my time, and my advice, I will reward you with an undying passion. For a designer, undying passion translates to great work.

But if you hire me because you think your business is somehow doing me a favor, if you hire me to be nothing more than the hands that execute your pre-formed perfect little idea, if you set out to manipulate me, if you think my field in general doesn’t require the same grit and mental capacity as yours, then, my dear client, then I will give you work that is disappointing to you and to myself. Not intentionally, of course. It’s just the endless cycle of shit upon shit upon shit.



Illustrated as a designer at Bussolati Associates.

Bussolati Hearts Our Clients

Bussolati sends out a yearly corporate gift to its clients on Valentine’s Day. Each year, the theme is “Bussolati Hearts Our Clients”, consisting of a package with wine and chocolates to say our thanks. I got to develop and design the 2012 interpretation of the theme.

This project was a lot of fun–from brainstorming as a team to come up with 48 different things that we think everyone could learn this year, to developing a crazy, dense, and engaging layout to tie all those things together stylistically.

Magazines shmagazines.

Even I thought I’d never get around to actually posting about what I do at Bussolati Associates. Here’s a very small part: I design some layouts for publications like ACC Docket, the magazine for the Association of Corporate Counsel.

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